Saturday, November 28, 2009

Does zoloft stunt hair growth?

I'm a 18 years old male who has been taking zoloft for two years now. When I was 15 or so I had emo hair, quite long in fact my hair grew at an exponential rate (prolly half an inch per month which is normal), I cut it off when I was 16. After taking zoloft for a year I noticed that my hair grew alot slower. Fast track to this year, I'm been trying to grow hair to emo-length for over 3 months and it is only two inches long. Does zoloft stunt hair growth, I need help, what can I do?

Does zoloft stunt hair growth?

Actually my daughter was quite young when she took it, and she lost every hair on her head. She had to be pulled out of school because she was humiliated. I weaned her off the medication and homeschooled her. It took 2 years for her hair to grow back in but now I am glad I pulled her off of it... I feel like a terrible mother by not researching these meds her doctor wanted to put her on. But you trust your doctor and the doctor has to trust the pharmacy (manufacturer). So good luck with this and just research it...

Does zoloft stunt hair growth?

Funny you should mention that. I have been taking Zoloft for a little over a year now. While I have long hair that I wear pulled back in a ponytail, I have not noticed it (or my facial hair) growing any slower. However, I do have a couple of bald patches on my face where the hair just flat-out stopped growing altogether. My dermatologist says that the problem is related to my thyroid (am I a mess or what? LOL!). He has given me cortisone injections to no avail. I would be curious as to whether the Zoloft is actually playing a role in this, as I have had thyroid issues for over ten years and the bald patches just started recently. Hmmm...

Good luck and hope this helps. Zoloft's website might also help you with your side effects exploration.


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