Thursday, November 26, 2009

Am I trying to be emo?

I`ve noticed that it sorta seems like I`m trying to be emo. Because, when I started cutting myself about I guess 5 months ago, i didn`t dress anywhere near the "emo stlye" or have the "emo hair", and I never went into Hot Topic, but recently [over a short amount of time] I`ve sorta tried to get the "emo look", but I didn`t really know that I was doing it. I try to be unqie but it seems like I`m picking out clothes that are the stereotypical emo outfits.

When my friend got mad at me she called me an emo wananbe and that got me to thinking that I might be. Does it seem like I am?

Am I trying to be emo?

I used to be a cutter, and i have to say that not just "emo", though i don't like that term, do it. also, cutting is considered to be similar to that of bulimia, and anorexia, psychologists say that it is about having control over something in your life, when nothing else seems to be under your control. As for the "emo" look, maybe you just like the clothes, why does everything and anything have to be categorized?

Am I trying to be emo?

there's a lot of hate for emos in this world, so please! dress how you want to! but stop cutting yourself!!

Am I trying to be emo?

Be who you want to be, if you like it then go ahead, if people accuse you of being an "emo wannabe" then say, "why am I a wannabe because I happen to like these clothes, are YOU a wannabe for dressing the way you do"

The real issue is the cutting, I would suggest that you try to stop, cutting is a very bad thing.

Am I trying to be emo?

Exactly what track girl said. First stop cutting yourself. You could seriously damage something beyond repair, whether or not it seems like you are cutting deep. But wear whatever you want! If you like the emo style, then wear it. You dont have to try to be anything. Just be yourself...and if that includes wearing emo clothes then so be it. You will be much happier just dressing the way you want than worrying about your friend thinking you are a wannabe.

Am I trying to be emo?

well cutting yourself is emo and just stupid so yea your an emo

Am I trying to be emo?

ew...don't cut, its horrible and disgusting!

As for the dressing emo...dress how you want as long as you are doing it for yourself, don't worry about what people think or say!

Am I trying to be emo?

"Emo" gets harder and harder to define as time goes on. Emo, by definition, means emotionally charged hardcore punk. Emo died in the late 80's early 90's but gave way to post emo music and hardcore/emo bands.

You are not "music" so in turn that makes you just a plain and simple attention whore.

Am I trying to be emo?

its fine to try out new styles.

but if you were seriously trying to be emo, youd follow the emo stereotype.. so, if you were cutting yourself to BE emo, then yeah.. you are trying.

Am I trying to be emo?

first off, cutting is just another steroetype for being emo, so dont think that just b/c you cut your emo.

secondly, if you all of a sudden just started to pick out cloths you thought were cute and didnt even realize you were picking up "emo" brand cloths, doesnt mean your a wannabe. it just means you like the stlye.... welcome to the emo world. **** your friends for making fun of you, if they dont like the new you find nicer friends. :)

Am I trying to be emo?

Hi !!!

I have NO IDEA what "emo" means!!!! But I certainly know very well what "cutting yourself means", and is nothing that you should be proud of!!!!

Look first of all you don't really need to harm yourself more of what you already are!!!

And the fact that I'm going to beg you, to get help, is because you need A LOT OF IT!!! There is a lot of help for you out there,

probably the way you feel is a deficiency in vitamins or chemicals in your body.

Let some one know about how you feel and they will definitely help you!! But please DO GET HELP!!! You should NOT live such a sad life!!! Hiding your concerns, in drugs, cutting your skin and dressing what ever "emo" means!!!


STOP TRYING TO FOLLOW ANY TRENDS!!! You don't even know if this people know what they want??? Why follow them??

Go to a church, pray, go to the counselor in your school!!!

Ask to be seen by a professional!!! There are lots of alternative, before taking the NO WAY OUT ROUTE!! YOU ARE ABUSING YOURSELF!!!! GET OUT, BEFORE IS TO LATE!!!


Am I trying to be emo?

ok actually emo means emotional. it sounds like you are trying to be more goth and punk than anything. emo is the tight pants and the band tees with the vans sneakers. why don't you just try having your own style, it works for me. you don't have to be in a category just try being an individual. it also sounds like you are depressed, cutting is not an emo thing and trust me it is not worth it. i have the scars to prove it. why don't you try talking to someone you trust that won't put you down about what is going on in your head or at least a psychiatrist. good luck and please stop trying to be categorized, be an individual.

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